by : Cristina G. Gallato
Universiti Utara Malaysia
(Dipublikasi pada : INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR & CONFERENCE Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Jakarta, November 5, 2010).
It is a fact that a great number of researches have been devoted to discovering the “best way to teach.” While it is important that a teacher should have mastery of his subject matter, it is equally important that he knows how to teach too. The final test of good instruction is not only what the teacher knows but most importantly what students learn via his instruction. But teaching is a very complex task. And if the teacher is able to get his message across easily, then that is his competitive advantage over other educators. The teacher must make a conscious effort to decide on what pedagogy to use because there is no prescribed best approach for all purposes. There is no one activity that will work with all students, in all circumstances, or for all types of content and objectives. He has to continuously discover strategies that are effective vehicles of learning. For example, some may be preferred for learning skills while others may be best for acquiring concepts and formulating generalizations. Therefore, the choice of what strategy to employ and what instructional materials to use will greatly depend on various factors. In order to, at least, improve the quality of instruction and classroom performance, retraining through the use of in-service trainings are resorted to by school administrators (Gallato, 2004). It is not just the covering up of the whole syllabus that matters but it is whether students have learned that matters more. If the students have learned something of value due to the pedagogy used, the value of the teacher is not only kept high but also the competitive advantage of the institution to which he belong as well as making the products (graduates), more credible, saleable and valuable. In this paper, among other Learning Style models, the Teaching Learning Styles-Dunn and Dunn Model (TLS DDM) was tried for a more effective delivery of business education wherein the academic performance in terms of final marks of two groups of students: 1) control or untreated group and 2) experimental or treated group, were compared. The academic performance of the students under the treated group was higher than the group of students who were taught the traditional way. One limitation of the study is that the teaching style of the facilitators was not measured.
Key words: Business Education, Pedagogy, Learning styles, Teaching Styles, Competitive advantage
Year in and year out, new faculty members are taken into the academe even without educational preparations for teaching as in the case of faculty members teaching in non-Education programs like Accountancy, Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Information Technology and the like. Most often than not, these teachers acquire their competencies through informal experiences and by requiring them to take courses in Principles and Methods of Teaching (Gallato, 2010).
As a consequence, the mission of carrying out of quality-enhancing education, not only faculty in teacher education institutions but more especially for faculty who were not trained to be teachers need to be retrained if not to be trained for the first time. Possible changes in the classroom environment amount to a redefinition of what it means to be an educator. Teachers should be made adept with methodologies, strategies, and techniques that can meet the changing needs of the youth today. . . . . .
Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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